Career Profile

With your career profile, you can show your relevant study and extracurricular activities to your interest companies. You have to fill in the following details in case they apply to you step-by-step on the following subjects. The company that you are interested in will make its selection based on this career profile, so make sure you make it as complete as possible!

Current study at TU/e
First, you have to fill in your current study at TU/e.
Name of school
Name of study*
Current year of study*
Average grade*
Start date of study*
End date of study*
Previous studies
If you want to give more information about previous studies.
Name of school
Name of study
Study type
Average grade
Start date of study
End date of study
Add a previous study
Extracurricular activities
Here you can fill in your experiences with for example doing a board year, doing committee work, joining a student team etc. You can add as many experiences as you like.
Name of organisation
Type of activity
Hours per week
Start date of activity
End date of activity
Add an extra activity
Work experience
Here you can fill in your work experience. You can add as many experiences as you like.
Name of organisation
Type of work
Hours per week
Start date of experience
End date of experience
Add an extra work experience
A final word
Here you can fill in extra information about your career path in case you want to.